Green management of multiple municipalities on a single platform: the AVR experience
6 August, 2024 durch
Green management of multiple municipalities on a single platform: the AVR experience
GreenSpaces has advanced features designed specifically to manage multiple contracts from a single platform, being able to share a large amount of data with different stakeholders according to their user level.

AVR uses GreenSpaces to coordinate green maintenance and care activities in several municipalities, including the city of Milan. With more than 200,000 trees under its care, the use of GreenSpaces in AVR allows it to optimise operations, monitor and maintain a detailed database of every single tree and object to be managed.

The software allows back office operators to plan and organise both daily activities and extraordinary maintenance. The ability to schedule pruning, hedge and shrub trimming, and more complex interventions is essential to ensure the health and beauty of urban greenery.

With the intuitive mobile app, operators can easily access information directly in the field and geo-localize plants to be monitored, even in offline mode. Collecting dendrometric data and survey notes becomes a quick and precise process, facilitating timely and targeted interventions.

Once back in the office, the operator synchronises the data collected in the field with the central system, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and accessible. This process ensures complete traceability of the interventions carried out, creating a detailed history that allows the health of trees to be monitored over time.

6. August 2024