R3GIS participates in EU-funded projects to develop innovative solutions based on scientific data.
Geographic Building Information Model Management

The visible deterioration of public infrastructure highlights the lack of adequate digital tools for asset management and control. In addition, the gap in knowledge and adoption of digital methods and tools between public authorities and suppliers underlines the increasing urgency of the former to invest in automated systems to streamline administrative procedures.
The GEOBIMM project aims to create an innovative integrated interface between BIM and GIS systems, with the objective of defining a new approach to the digital management of existing and new buildings and infrastructures, including the related documentation. Such an advanced system makes it possible to manage, analyse and display data according to a geo-referenced hierarchical scale, from the territorial to the local scale and vice versa, in order to obtain a holistic and efficient control along the life cycle of each construction, with a view to reducing costs and increasing control over public expenditure.
The GEOBIMM project includes the development of two software applications:
- BIM+GIS application for Facility Management, i.e. a software application in which BIM models, which can be viewed and queried in a structured manner, will automatically populate the database of the construction (both point and linear), from the design phase to the maintenance phase.
- BIM+GIS application for the verification of approval processes, i.e. a prototype application that will demonstrate the potential of the integration between BIM and GIS in automating the approval processes involving spatial and point data, such as the building permit process and the verification of the urban conformity of new works.
Name: GEOBIMM [CUP: B54E20002020001] [FESR 1151]
Financing programme: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Bolzano Autonomous Province - Investments in growth and jobs 2014 - 2020.
Project partners: R3GIS (Lead Partner), Fraunhofer Italia, ASM Merano, Ontopic, Erdbau
Duration: 07/2020 - 05/2022 (Extended to 09/2022)
For more information on the GEOBIMM project and the latest updates, visit: