Data integration for energy efficiency

The Idee project (Data Integration for Energy Efficiency) aims to make useful and comprehensive data on buildings easily accessible to public administrations for an optimal planning of energy efficiency strategies and measures.
Public administrations today, are actively engaged in the pursuit of sustainability goals, such as the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The planning of energy efficiency strategies and the monitoring of the implemented measures require great effort in acquiring data, especially on the energy consumption of buildings, their processing and analysis.
Idee aims to offer policy makers an innovative digital tool able to collect data and information from different sources and make that available in an integrated and intuitive way in order to provide concrete and effective support in the development of energy efficiency policies.
Name: IDEE [CUP: B31B18000940007] [FESR 1133]Financing programme: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Bolzano Autonomous Province - Investments in growth and jobs 2014 - 2020.
Project partners: R3GIS (Lead Partner), Libera Università di Bolzano, Alperia SpA
Duration: 10/2018 - 05/2022
For more information on the IDEE project and the latest updates, visit