GreenSpaces Software Revolutionizes Urban Green Area and Playground Management in Bolzano
5 June, 2024 by
GreenSpaces Software Revolutionizes Urban Green Area and Playground Management in Bolzano

Watch our video interview with the Gardening Department of the Municipality of Bolzano!

For many years the Bolzano municipality has used the GreenSpaces software solution, which, over time, has significantly transformed the management of the city's green areas. GreenSpaces' innovative technology provides precise, efficient, and comprehensive management capabilities, streamlining numerous tasks associated with urban green spaces. From surveying and planning to maintenance and monitoring, the platform has proven to be an invaluable asset to Bolzano's municipal services.

One of the key benefits of GreenSpaces is the considerable time it saves for city personnel. "I truly do save time...time in managing," remarked Katia Zanoner, playground coordinator for the city, emphasizing the efficiency gains from using the software. Traditional methods of conducting surveys required manual efforts, often involving pen and paper, which were not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Now, these tasks can be performed remotely from a PC with remarkable precision. Whether it's determining pruning activities for trees or managing the placement of rubbish bins and benches, GreenSpaces enables staff to handle all aspects of green area management with ease and accuracy.

The use of NFC tags further enhances the capabilities of GreenSpaces. By simply tapping a phone on these tags, municipal maintenance personnel can access the entire history of any equipment. GreenSpaces tabs act like an "identity card" for each asset, providing real-time access to previous data and newly updated information, complete with photos and detailed records. "Now you can find it immediately. With a simple phone we can have all the important information when looking at the equipment, in real time," explained Michele Tovazzi, a city gardener responsible for visual inspection of playground equipment. This functionality is particularly useful for maintaining playground equipment, ensuring that all necessary details are readily available on-site and that every single work task and inspection is logged with full traceability.

In terms of managing plants, GreenSpaces has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of tasks such as planning new planting sites, felling dangerous trees, and monitoring plant health. Previously, these tasks required physical surveys and were often imprecise. "We started with pen and paper. Now, with the tablet, it's a lot faster. You take the picture, save it, fill in some data fields and the form is complete," noted Stefano Tava, a city gardener responsible for trees. This shift from manual to digital processes has reduced the margin of error significantly. While the position recorded with old methods could be off by three or four meters, the precision of GreenSpaces ensures that measurements are accurate to within 20 or 30 centimeters.

Moreover, the software facilitates systematic monitoring of plant health with a set frequency, enabling proactive maintenance and care of the city's greenery. This not only ensures the safety and beauty of public spaces but also promotes sustainable urban forestry practices. Through the public portal, part of this information is also available to the public, engaging citizens in green area management.

Overall, the implementation of the GreenSpaces platform in Bolzano has revolutionized the management of urban green areas. Its ability to save time, increase precision, and provide comprehensive, real-time information has made it an essential tool for the municipality. As cities continue to grow and the need for efficient green space management becomes more critical, technologies like GreenSpaces are likely to play a pivotal role in creating sustainable and well-maintained urban environments.

Watch our video interview with the Gardening Department of the Municipality of Bolzano!

June 5, 2024