R3GIS Participating at the 4th European i-Tree Conference and Urban ReLeaf Plenary
19 June, 2024 by
R3GIS Participating at the 4th European i-Tree Conference and Urban ReLeaf Plenary
We are thrilled to announce our participation as the R3GIS team at the 4th European i-Tree Conference and Urban ReLeaf Plenary, taking place in the city of Dundee, Scotland. This year's theme, "Turning data into action, in and around the urban forest," resonates deeply with our mission of promoting efficient and effective green management through advanced software solutions.

The 2024 i-Tree Conference presents a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse group of experts and practitioners. Attendees will include representatives from municipalities, citizen associations, civil society organizations, businesses, authoritative data agencies, urban planners, architects, and more. This convergence of disciplines underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in fostering sustainable urban environments.

We are particularly excited about the presentation by Francesco Ferrini from the University of Florence, Italy. On the 20th of July, from 10:05 to 10:30, Professor Ferrini will present "Cultivating a Greener Tomorrow: Solutions for quantifying urban tree ecosystem services." His insights into the quantification of urban tree ecosystem services are integral to the functionalities of our GreenSpaces software. Our collaboration with Professor Ferrini has been instrumental in the scientific development of our solution, ensuring that our software remains at the cutting edge of green management technology.

GreenSpaces software is designed to turn data into actionable insights, empowering cities and communities to manage their green spaces more efficiently. By integrating advanced data analytics and ecosystem service quantification tools, GreenSpaces helps urban planners and green managers make informed decisions that enhance the sustainability and livability of urban environments.

We invite all attendees to join us in exploring how GreenSpaces software can transform urban green management. Visit the booth of Tremap and GreenSpaces at the conference to learn more about our innovative solutions and how we are contributing to the cultivation of greener, healthier urban spaces. Together, we can turn data into action and create a brighter, more sustainable future for our cities.
June 19, 2024