GreenSpaces in the spotlight
25 July, 2024 by
GreenSpaces in the spotlight

Yesterday, Wednesday 24 July, in Roma, the mayor Roberto Gualtieri, the councillor for Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle Sabrina Alfonsi and the president of the XIV Municipality Marco Della Porta presented in a press conference the digital platform GreenSpaces for a more accurate monitoring of green areas, for the greater safety of public spaces and the involvement of citizens in green management.

As Councillor Sabrina Alfonsi reminded us at the MyPlant & Garden fair last February, "Within a few decades, 70% of the world's population will live in large cities, and this will produce most of the pollution. We are therefore called upon to become sustainable, so as to pollute less”.

Roma shows its commitment to a more sustainable city with the Council's vote on the climate adaptation plan that identifies “the greenery of Rome, not only as decorum, but also as a matter of health of its citizens and the city,” Alfonsi explains. And so the adoption of GreenSpaces once again confirms the commitment of recent years to make the city more liveable for its citizens. 

With the GreenSpaces software, the complete mapping of all the capital's green areas will allow the administration to have real time information on all managed elements and to plan the different types of interventions. As Roberto Gualtieri states, “green areas are an extraordinary infrastructure of Rome in terms of quantity and quality, and this way we will be able to know and take better care of it”.


The official press release

Il Corriere article

Insider trend article

Agenzia Nova article

Gaeta article

Radio Colonna video and article

Other sources:  Wind press

July 25, 2024