Padova Enhances Urban Tree Management: the Video-Interview
31 July, 2024 by
Padova Enhances Urban Tree Management: the Video-Interview
Urban environments present unique challenges in managing public green spaces, particularly in maintaining street trees, which are crucial for environmental health, aesthetic value, and community well-being. The city of Padua, like many others, faces the complex task of managing a vast amount of data related to urban forestry. In the video-interview, Ciro Degl'Innocenti (Head of the Green, Parks and Urban Agriculture Department of the Municipality of Padua) speaks about the complexity of dealing with large volumes of data and the need for efficient solutions to manage green areas.

In response to these challenges, Padua has implemented advanced technological tools to streamline and enhance their urban forestry practices. The introduction of the GreenSpaces digital platform is key to simplifying the complex tasks faced daily by public green infrastructure managers.

One of the notable advancements in Padua's green management is in conducting tree assessments. The GreenSpaces software allows for real-time data collection and analysis, streamlining what was once a burdensome process. Previously, professionals had to compile paper reports, return to the office, print them, and then submit them to the administration. Now, using the GreenSpaces app on tablets and mobile phones in the field, the process is digital and immediate. This transition not only saves paper and time, and therefore money, but also minimizes the risk of miscommunication and errors.

In the video-interview, Paolo Trivellato (Istruttore Direttivo Tecnico Settore Verde) shows the app's functionality in action. This involves detailed inspection of various tree sections—including the root area, collar, stem, canopy, and branches—and the ability to capture and integrate photos directly into the system. The digital twin technology used in the GreenSpaces app ensures that each tree's data is accurately recorded and easily accessible. For example, the Platanus trees on Via Trieste are now documented not just in physical form but also as digital twins, aiding in precise and efficient management.

Moreover, GreenSpaces provides a robust decision-making framework: the system must “give us the ability to base our decisions on evidence, on numbers, with data from activities that can truly be measured and subsequently analyzed, so we can improve how we work.”, concludes Degl’Innocenti.

The integration of innovative technology in urban forestry, as exemplified by the use of the GreenSpaces software in Padua, is a significant step forward. It not only enhances efficiency and accuracy in managing urban green spaces but also supports sustainable practices. This approach serves as a model for other municipalities aiming to improve their urban forestry management in the face of increasing environmental challenges.
July 31, 2024